May 30th, 2017
Dr Lopez and Dr Ma presented for the third-year topics relevant to the growth of rugby in the Americas. 2015, 2016, 2017: Lopez, Ma, et al have presented consecutively for three years in a row at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain. In the beautiful cities of San Diego, Boston and Denver, USA.
In 2017 the Rugby Research and Injury Prevention Group will be presenting on Rugby-7s injuries in U.S. Under-19 players, U.S. College Players, Amongst U.S. Levels of Play, and among the National Club 7s (sub-elite) players. Lopez will also be keynote-presenting a case study on a Rugby-15s injury, which has also won the award for ACSM best clinical case study on a Posterior Sterno-clavicular Injury.
- Evaluation of Injuries in levels of play in U.S. Rugby-7s: A 5-year Epidemiological Prospective Study of an Emerging Olympic Collision Sport in a Developing Market
- An Epidemiological Injury Profile of Sub–elite U.S. Rugby-7s (USA Rugby National Club Championships)
- A 4-Year Epidemiological Analysis of Tournament Match Injuries in Men’s Collegiate Rugby-7s
- The American Experience with an Emerging Adolescent Collision Sport: Rugby-7s
- A missed posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation with brachiocephalic artery compromise leading to hemiparesis, in a collegiate rugby union football player: A surgical emergency. ACSM CLINICAL CASE STUDY AWARD

At ACSM’s Annual Meeting, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise and the Brain, you’ll find sessions covering virtually every aspect of sports medicine, exercise science and the benefits of physical activity. Internationally recognized as the place to hear leading experts and learn about the latest research, this conference brings science and practice together. More than 6,000 industry professionals from around the globe make the ACSM Annual Meeting their priority conference. You’ll learn, network, engage and catch up with others who are as passionate about exercise science and sports medicine as you are!
Categorised in: Presentations